Friday, May 22, 2009

What a week!!

Sheesh am I glad things are getting back to normal around here. As I mentioned in my previous post Nathan has been sick. He has had horrible abdominal pain, fatigued, nausea, pale as a ghost and finally vomiting. We took him to his ped. after about 4 days of on again off again abdominal pain and not being very responsive to me ( the boy would just sit and look right through you when you would speak to him.....scared the he** out of me), anyway back to the ped. visit after a few cracks about swine flu and visiting Mexico, testing for a appendicitis problem, infection of any sort, and other things.....we got the answer we have come to expect from peds on base...he simply and honestly said " he has a case of the I don't know's". Anywho we did find out that from all this discomfort he had dehydrated himself ( which he does often) so we had to take care of that. After about 6 days he started coming around and moving about like his old self and then BOOM Anthony, Nicolas and Cat get sick, almost simultaneously, It was horrific YUCK YUCK....I have been disinfecting my house for the last 36 hours!! As of today all our babies are filling 100% better and life is back to normal.

Little school update I took the essay placement test ( the one I have been avoiding the most) the other night. ..I had a choice of two topics to write about I chose one about children and marriage....I had an hour to complete it lol for the first 35 mins I just sat at the computer staring at the screen wondering what I was going to say..finally it came to me and I was able to finish with loads of time to spare :) So hopefully I will have done well ( I wont hear anything for 2 weeks) I just have to go take the supervised math and english test ).

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